Disappointed with the way your life is going?

Your first eight years are like seeds that grow into beliefs and behavior patterns – some beneficial, some not so much.

If you want to change your life, you need to unpack your problem, understand your power, unleash your potential.

You want relief from the destructive habits, limiting weakness, and ways of thinking that are holding you back, ruining your relationships, and robbing you of life’s most amazing opportunities.

Change is possible. You don’t have to continue to be who you’ve become. You can experience fulfillment and joy.

Nice to meet you – I’m Ron!

I help corporate executives, professionals, elected government officials, and leaders of non-government organizations – between the ages of 35 and 65 – who suffer from PTSD. In just twelve weeks, you’ll learn to overcome their inner battles and live satisfying, productive lives without therapy or drugs.

I was born in South Africa, into a violent, abusive household. My father’s beatings marked my body, twisted my thinking, and caused me to rely on my fists. The moment I was old enough, he enlisted me in the navy, where my violent nature was weaponized.

I was trained to lead a special operations combat team. Ten years later, I left the armed forces with sharply-honed killing skills, battle scars, and severe PTSD. But I had also learned to hustle and to believe that anything is possible. There were times when I lived the high life, founding a $20 million multinational pharmaceutical business.

But there were other times when all I had was hustle. I did anything. Mowed lawns, painted walls, whatever. In addition to having no income, I had no outcome in mind, no vision for where I was going or what I’d do when I got there. Then, I hit bottom. That’s when my thinking began to change. And over time, I discovered how to identify and correct the destructive elements in my past, which dramatically changed my present and threw open amazing doors to my future.

One day, I realized that nobody else had to change; I had to change. I realized that I needed to change the way I think, the way I see things, what I say, how I behave, even the way I value myself. And eventually, I created what I would call a perfect perspective of who I am, what I should be, and what I should be doing.

Recover Your Mind is a 3-step system, designed to improve your life by changing toxic thinking. No more self-sabotage that keeps you from reaching your goals. No more being triggered by painful memories of the past that keep you from taking the steps you need to take to break the cycle.

Read Jeremy’s Story…

Jeremy was a Marine Recon veteran employed by a technology company. He worked in an abusive environment. Every day chasing deadlines and being over pressured to perform and given last-minute assignments. His supervisor would always say, well, you are a Marine, “Semper Fidelis,” “Always faithful,” you can do it…that’s the standard you were trained to live by! This became the office joke causing Jeremy tremendous anger and resentment toward his coworkers. Jeremy was afraid his training would kick in, and he would hurt someone, which he was very capable of doing. Jeremy began to meet with me and we walked him through the way to manage the stress and not allow himself to be triggered and hurt anyone or himself. In a meeting, his supervisor had a medical emergency and collapsed…panic hit the rest of the team while Jeremy’s training kicked in and he immediately took charge. That day, Jeremy became the hero since he was the only one who could provide help. His training made him capable of being, “Always faithful”, even when people didn’t appreciate him!

Not ready yet? Does your mind need more time?

That’s ok. Why not get to know me first…

Sign up for my free 45-minute webinar and explore the solution to make a comprehensive adjustment to your beliefs transform your life completely. Are you ready to recover your mind?