Meet Ron Campbell

Ron Campbell was born in South Africa, into a violent, abusive family. The second he was old enough, he enlisted in the Army, taking along the violent nature he had inherited. And there it was weaponized.

A decade later, he left – with sharply-honed killing skills, battle scars, and PTSD.

Finally, he hit bottom. But the fighter in Ron wasn’t content to roll over and die.

He fought for years to learn how to rebuild his life. He discovered how to change his thinking and correct the destructive elements in his past. To dramatically change his present. To throw open amazing doors to his future. He learned to see, understand, and speak to himself differently than he ever imagined possible.

Recently, Ron Campbell organized every bit of it into a powerful step-by-step plan called Recovery Your Mind System.

Are you are veteran, out of uniform but still at war inside? Is your marriage on the rocks? Are you about to surrender to drugs? Fed up with your job? With life in general? Recovery Your Mind System is your answer.

Change begins and ends between your ears, in that amazing organ called your brain. As well as, in that mysterious part of you called your mind. Maybe you can’t define it, but you can change it. By changing your mind, permanently! You can change your life dramatically!