Recover Your Mind System

Twelve Weeks and Three Modules of transformational online change.

Unpack Your Problem | Understand Your Problem | Unleash Your Potential

Are You Currently Experiencing…

Life at The Moment Feels Hard & Unfulfilling

You arrive home from the corporate battlefield and pull your car into the garage, exhausted; you sink into your seat, dreading to walk in and engage with your family; you know they will come running to greet you. You are emotionally drained and battle-weary from fighting to compete with this dog-eat-dog environment. You have no “plan B,” and you don’t know if you have the mental acuity to continue this daily incursion into the office, so guilt weighs you down, and failure lurks in the back of your mind…since this has become a battle of the fittest.

Your work environment has become toxic; you feel that you have become stale and relying on the past work is not working for you any longer. In addition, you find that you are so distracted by the daily competition from career-hungry coworkers that want to climb the ladder and are willing to destroy you to get ahead.

The sheer energy required daily to get up and engage with your family and coworkers has created tremendous discouragement, and the black clouds of depression have moved into your life. You don’t like the person that you have become; you have developed a hair-trigger that at any minute can result in escalation. Fear and feelings and emotions of hate and anger, even leaving you contemplating suicide.

You don’t have the answers for the problems you face on so many levels, it has made you feel in component, and you feel like an imposter since fearing the inevitable has diminished your confidence. You are concerned about losing your reputation and being let go from your employment.

You cannot imagine living like this for the next 20 or 30 years. The bombardment on your mind has caused you to withdraw and shut down emotionally. You have become a vapor of your old confident self, the trauma of being exposed to this ambition-driven lifestyle has created a monster in you, and you know that if you fail, it will mean death to your career and possibly your life. Failure carries in its bowel shame, and you have determined that you will not be able to face your family if that happens.

You are battling to focus and come up with any great ideas to impress your colleagues and bosses, so you begin to doubt your abilities and become concerned about your future with the company. Will you survive, or will they call you in and say goodbye.

You are lost as to what to do, but you know you need to do something, but the fear of being sabotaged just holds you back from asking for help, hoping that it will go away if you ignore it. Maybe just a quick drink and a pain pill will help. But the clock is ticking, and you are running out of time. So what is the plan, how should you change the way you feel and make the whole challenge begin to feel better.

“If you want to change your life, you have to change what you believe. If you just change what you think, you’ll only change your opinion”.
– Ron Campbell

Hi, I’m Ron Campbell

I created Recover Your Mind System to help corporate executives and business leaders break through obstacles holding them back and enable them to enjoy fulfilling lives.

Ron Campbell knows how to build a successful business. Before coming to America in 1993, he had created a multinational pharmaceutical company in South Africa. He also knows how to rebuild lives. For more than twenty years, Ron has empowered members of the U.S Senate and House of Representatives, Texas state officials, medical and legal professionals, corporate executives, and leaders of non-government organizations to make life-changing decisions that have resulted in personal fulfillment for themselves and their families.

“My ideal clients want relief from destructive habits, limiting weaknesses, and ways of thinking that are holding them back, ruining their relationships, and robbing them of opportunities”.

Imagine This Could Be Your Life


Recover Your Mind System

A 4-week online course designed to help you plan, build & launch your own online course.
This course is for males over the age of 35 that are looking to publish an online course to create a legacy for themselves

12 weeks access to Recover your Mind System so you can access the full course online for breaking through the
 obstacles holding them back and enabling them to enjoy fulfilling lives.

12 weeks access to Weekly Live Q&A Classes so you can speak to Ron live and ask him all your burning questions.

12 weeks access to the Private Facebook Page where you can gain support & help from each other & access support staff.

12 Weeks Support from Ron so you don’t feel alone and are thoroughly supported

Recover Your Mind is for business and government leaders—35 to 65 years of age—who have difficulty maintaining healthy personal relationships. People with PTSD. Those who struggle making decisions. Those battling depression, alcoholism, or chemical addiction. People are unable to control their emotions—men and women with sexual issues due to abuse.

Limited spaces are available.

There Is Nothing Like It Out There…

There’s really nothing out there but drugs, counseling, and therapies like cognitive processing, prolonged exposure, stress inoculation training, and eye movement desensitization.

These may help you cope with the problems, but they can’t eliminate them.

Recover Your Mind disrupts toxic thinking and enables men and women to transform their lives.

Read Judy’s Story…

Judy went through a terrible divorce that left her deeply wounded. She began the journey to redefine her life with the first principle, FORGIVENESS! She recognized that having unforgiveness was tying her to her past. It’s been 1 year, and how she redefined her life, not limited by her past.


Join the FREE webinar today for expert tips and advice, directly from Ron.